Archives for older News Stories &
Events Relating to the BUSHMEAT CRISIS
November 2000; GACA, the Great Ape Conservation Act of 2000, is law; Fish and Wildlife Service are determining how to spend $750,000 this year. Thanks for your support! It was HR4320, which passed unanimously in the House of Representatives after being introduced by Reps. George Miller and Jim Saxton and passed in the Senate (where it had originated in a slightly different form in 1999, when it was introduced by Sen. Jim Jeffords) unopposed.
12 May 2000; The Great Ape Conference in Chicago: Convincing Humanity to Save the Great Apes.

8 April 2000; Jane Goodall Speaks out in Washington Post piece. Please consider signing the Jane Goodall petition.
28 March 2000; San Diego Zoo talk by Tony Rose.
14 August 1999; A Bushmeat Crisis Workshop with an esteemed panel of speakers examined problems and solutions at the annual conference of American Society of Primatologists in New Orleans. You can read the ASP Workshop Abstract for more details.
12 August 1999; CNN presents another fine piece by Gary Strieker, Growing demand for 'bushmeat' threatens great apes. He quotes Karl Ammann and Joseph, the former hunter in our project.
30 July 1999; Gaia presents an excellent article on the social and economic factors that make conservation in African forests so difficult today?
7 July 1999; Environmental Protests makes EU Postpone Ecologically Destructive Roads across Cameroon's Rainforests!
28 June 1999, Reuters; New York - The first letterhead-style business paper made from pulp that originated in certified, well-managed forests has been produced by Lyons Falls Pulp & Paper Co. It is the first to bear the watermark logo of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).
26 May 1999, Reuters; Washington, D.C.; New Center To Fight For Biodiversity
16 May 1999, The Sunday Times; Chimps on the menu in Brussels restaurants by Annamarie Cumiskey and Richard Woods. Chimps and monkeys are being served up as delicacies at restaurants in the heart of Europe.
11 May 1999, Kampala, Uganda; Paul Wagaba, the Ugandan warden murdered when rebels attacked Bwindi, has been honoured by the World Conservation Union (IUCN).
10 May 1999; The Humane Society Applauds Senator Jeffords' Introduction of The Great Ape Conservation Act of 1999 - Bill Would Provide Funding for Great Ape Conservation Programs. Senator Jeffords was eloquent in its behalf.
The Great Ape Massacre by Donald G. McNeil with photographs by Karl Ammann appeared in the May 9th New York Times Magazine.
Bushmeat: Logging's Deadly Second Harvest is an April 1999 CNN feature.
Recent findings by Dr. Beatrice Hahn point to the probability that HIV had its origin in chimpanzees. This is discussed in a bushmeat working paper, a CNN story, a NY Times piece and, even earlier, in a piece by ABC News.
CNN Reports of fresh outbreaks of tropical diseases across the developing world unless people find better ways to manage the natural environment. Bushmeat was cited: "people catch the viruses when they eat monkeys or chimpanzees ..."
Ethical dilemmas in the wild, CNN Interactive, April 1, 1997 by Gary Streiker. This encounter with an orphaned gorilla is hard to forget.
The great apes of Africa are under renewed threat as a result of an explosion in the bushmeat trade fueled by the logging practice of European companies, according to a early 1998 Ape Alliance report. The Ape Alliance is an unprecedented coalition of 34 international organizations and ape specialists (of which we are part) taking action to save the great apes, the chimpanzee, gorilla, bonobo and orangutan. The AP released a condensed version that was in the New York Times.
Goodall: Illegal hunting is biggest threat to chimpanzees, Nando Times News, December 10, 1997.
Karl Ammann, prize winning photographer and conservationist, received the Dolly Green Award for Artistic Achievement at the 11th annual Genesis Awards in Los Angeles in April 1997
Ethical dilemmas in the wild, CNN Interactive, April 1, 1997 by Gary Streiker.
Gorilla are Endangered Prey in Central African Forests, CNN Interactive, February 21, 1997 by Gary Streiker.
Animals in the Red: Mounting Evidence of Jeopardy to World's Species, Press Release, 3 October 1996. In concert with the World Conservation Congress of IUCN, October 1996.
This Spring 1996 World Rainforest Report has an article about the Bushmeat trade.
In October 1995, the Pan African News carried the Jane Goodall Institute report on the status of Chimpanzee Sanctuaries in Africa. The bushmeat trade is mentionned as a major threat to chimpanzee survival.
Bushmeat Crisis Workshop at Primate Congress by Dr. Anthony L. Rose