A Working Bibliography on Bushmeat Commerce
Compiled by A. Rose, K. Ammann, J. Linder, & M. Conant
The Biosynergy Institute, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
You are invited to use and contribute to our bibliography. Please send us titles and brief annotations describing the materials and how to access them. Ideas for expanding or modifying the topics are also welcome. This is an open collaborative effort -- every relevant input will be considered and included.
Bushmeat Sources and Uses
Ajayi, S.S., 1971, Wildlife as a source of protein in Nigeria: some priorities for development, Nigerian Field, 36: 115-127.
Ajayi, S. S., 1974, Giant rats for meat and some taboos, Oryx, 12: 379-80.
Asibey, E.O.A., 1974, Wildlife as a source of protein south of the Sahara, Biological Conservation, 6: 32-9.
de Vos, A., 1978, Game as food: a report on its significance in Africa and Latin America, Unaslva (FAO Rome), 29(116): 2-12.
Harcourt A. H. and Stewart, K. J., 1980, Gorilla-eaters of Gabon. Oryx, 15: 548-51.
Johansson, P., 1995, A bird in the pot or two in the bush?, New Scientist, 148(2006): 52.
Kyle, R., 1987, A Feast in the Wild, Oxford Lusigi, Kudu Publishing.
Lantum, D., 1982, Monitoring food and nutrition programme of Cameroon Development Corporation.
Malleson, R., 1987, Food survey of Mundemba Town and Ndian Estate, Paper number 1 of the Korup National Park Socio-economic survey, WWF Publication, Gland, Switzerland.
Ngangoue, N. R., 1996, Snatching animals from the wild to adorn the home, The East African, Sept. 9-15.
Novakowski, N.S. and Hulata, G., 1975, Potential of wildlife as a protein source, Journal of Animal Science, 40(5): 1016-1019.
Sabater-Pi, J. and Groves, C., 1972, The importance of higher primates in the diet of the Fang of Rio Muni, Man, 7(2): 239-43.
Local Trade in Bushmeat
Balakrishnan, M., 1992, Wildlife utilization and local people: a case study in upper Lupande Game Management Area, Zambia, Environmental Conservation, 19(2): 135-144.
Colell, M., Mate, C., and Fa, J.E., 1994, Hunting among Moka Bubis in Bioko: dynamics of faunal exploitation at the village level. Biodiversity and Conservation, 3: 939-950.
Ekoko, F., Hunting for income, ecosystems, and malnutrition, Eves, H. and Ruggiero, R.G., 1996, Socioeconomics and sustainability of hunting in the forests of northern Congo, Draft report submitted to the Wildlife Conservation Society.
Hart, J. A., 1978, From subsistence to market: a case study of the Mbuti net hunters, Human Ecology, 6: 325-353.
Infield, M., 1988, Hunting, trapping, and fishing in villages within and on the periphery of the Korup National Forest, Paper number 6 of the Korup National Park Socio-economic Survey.
Wilson, V. and Wilson, B.L.P., 1991, La chasse traditionnelle et commerciale dans le sud-ouest du Congo, Tauraco Research Report, 4: 279-89.
National Bushmeat Commerce
Anadu, P. A., Elamah, P. O., and Oates, J. F., 1988, The bushmeat trade in southwestern Nigeria: a case study , Human Ecology, 16: 199-208.
Asibey, E.O.A., 1977, Expected effects of land-use patterns on future supplies of bushmeat in Africa south of the Sahara, Environmental Conservation, 19: 125-34.
Colyn, M., Dudu, A., Mankoto, M.m Mbaelele, M.A., 1987, Exploitation du petit et moyen gibier des forests ombrophiles du Zaire, Nature et Faune, 3:22-39.
Fa, J. E., Juste, J., Perez Del Val, J., Castroviejo, J., 1995, Impact of market hunting on mammal species in Equatorial Guinea. Conservation Biology, 9: 1107-1115.
Geist, V., 1988, How markets in wildlife meat and parts, and the sale of hunting privileges, jeopardize wildlife conservation, Cons. Biol., 2(1): 15-26.
Harcourt, A. H., Stewart, K. J., and Inaharo I. M., 1989, Gorilla quest in Nigeria, Oryx 23: 7-13.
Juste, J., Fa, J.E., Del Val, J.P., and Castroviejo, J., 1995, Market dynamics of bushmeat species in Equatorial Guinea, Journal of Applied Ecology, 32: 454-67.
Martin, G. H. G., 1983, Bushmeat in Nigeria as a natural resource with environmental implications, Environmental Conservation, 10: 125-132.
Ngangoue, N. R., 1996b, Congo-Environment: helpless, valuable, and under-protected, Interpress Service, Sept. 5.
Teleki, G., 1982, Hunting and trapping wildlife in Sierra Leone: aspects of exploitation and exportation, Unpublished Report to WWF.
Wilkie, D. S., Sidle, J. G., and Boundzanga, G. C., 1992, Mechanized logging, market hunting, and a bank loan in Congo, Conservation Biology, 6(4): 570-580.
International Wildlife Trade
Anonymous, 1990, Monkey restaurant open in Belgium, IPPL Newsletter, 17(2):19.
Webster, D., 1997, The looting and smuggling and fencing and hoarding of impossibly precious, feathered and scaly wild things. The New York Times Magazine, Feb. 16.
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